Register Your Purchase Via Our Platform

Last Update: April 17, 2024

Information: Wdes is our license management platform, creating an account is necessary to activate and manage your licenses purchased on Envato Market, as well as to receive item support.

IMPORTANT: You must be logged into the same Themeforest account that purchased Phox.

  1. If you already have a Wdes account, simply log in. If you don’t have a wdes account yet, you can create a new free account:
  2. After submitting the registration form, Click on “Connect your account” to add your licenses to your wdes account.
  3. Click “Approve” to give your permission to get the list of purchases of our items.
  4. You will be redirected to the wdes site, click “Complete verification” to activate your theme license.
  5. The theme is now activated! 🎉
